
Below is a complete listing of all Ohio Historical Markers. To find a detailed marker listing including text, photographs, and locations, click on a county below. Our listing is updated by the markers program as new markers are installed and older markers are reported damaged or missing.

26-43 Pleasant Valley Road Bridge

Side A: This single lane Pleasant Valley Road Bridge was constructed in 1881 by the Wrought Iron Bridge Company of Canton, Ohio, and is a 163 foot-long Whipple Truss (double intersection Pratt through truss). It replaced a wooden bridge that portaged the west branch of the Chagrin River a few hundred yards downstream. The structure, one of less than ten of its kind remaining in the state of Ohio, and possibly the longest in Lake County, was built to sustain the Euclid-Chardon Road traffic on U.S. Route 6. Known as the Grand Army of the Republic Highway, G.A.R., this major thoroughfare served this purpose until 1952 when a new high level bridge bypass was constructed to the south. The Truss bridge, pleasing to the eye with the artwork and name plates atop the overhead portals, was designed to enhance the bridge’s appearance within the valley. (Continued on other side)
Side B: (Continued from the other side) After the closure in 2001, the bridge was dismantled three years later. The bridge components were transported to the Ohio Bridge Corporation for cleaning and inspection. Those members in need of replacement were cut from high strength steel and all parts were metalized with a zinc coating. The bridge was reassembled on site in 2005 under supervision of U.I.C. General Contractors. The floor system is a combination of structural timber and metalized high strength steel. The deck supporting traffic is made with 3″ x 4″ treated yellow pine boards with an asphalt overlay. The majority of the bridge truss visible above the roadway is the original wrought iron material forged in 1881. This County project shared funding from Federal, County and City levels. The bridge is now owned and maintained by the City of Willoughby Hills.
Sponsors: Willoughby Hills Historical Society, Ohio Historical Society
Address: 37965 Pleasant Valley Road, 
Willoughby Hills, 
Location: Pleasant Valley Road Right-of-Way, East End of the Bridge
Latitude: 41.5897945
Longitude: -81.4022781