Remarkable Ohio


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30-45 Licking County TB Sanatorium / Licking County Health Department

Side A: Tuberculosis, or TB, is a contagious disease that was responsible for the deaths of one out of every seven people in the U.S. in the early 20th century. The Licking County Tuberculosis Sanatorium, known as the TB San, was constructed in 1931-1932 at a cost of $250,000. The facility kept TB patients separate from the general population, controlling the spread of disease. The location provided patients with rest, fresh air, food, and exercise, the main treatments for TB in the 19th through mid-20th centuries. (Continued on other side)
Side B: (Continued from other side) The TB San served Licking County residents from September 1932 until March 1967, but by the end of 1960s TB was no longer a prevalent health concern. In 1966, the Licking County Health Department occupied the building. After the close of the TB San in 1967, the facility also held an outpatient tuberculosis clinic, the County Home (1969-1988), and other county government offices. In 2015, the health department became the building’s owner. Since opening in 1932, the facility has served the public health needs of Licking County.
Sponsors: Licking County Health Department and The Ohio History Connection
Address: 675 Price Road, 
Location: Licking County Health Department near intersection of Turner and King Roads.
Latitude: 40.0975910
Longitude: -82.4464930