Side A: Rock Hollow School was originally built in 1877 in a wooded ravine two miles south of Ringgold, Union Township, and housed classes for fifty-seven years. The first class was held in November 1877, with John D. Davis of Ringgold teaching. Grades one through eight were taught in this one-room building, with an enrollment average of twenty to twenty-five pupils. The school closed in 1934 and sold in 1937 to Hettie Woodward, a former student and teacher at Rock Hollow School. In 1980, the heirs of the late Hettie Woodward donated the school to the Morgan County Historical Society for preservation. Fearing vandalism due to its remote location, the historical society relocated the building to its present site in Malta in 1991. The building was disassembled and rebuilt in exact original condition. Rock Hollow School was officially rededicated on November 1, 1992.