
Below is a complete listing of all Ohio Historical Markers. To find a detailed marker listing including text, photographs, and locations, click on a county below. Our listing is updated by the markers program as new markers are installed and older markers are reported damaged or missing.

105-25 American Federation of Labor Since 1881 / United Mine Workers of America

Side A: One this site, December 10, 1886, the Federation of Organized Trades and Labor Union merged with the trade unionists of the Knights of Labor to create the American Federation of Labor. Delegates elected Samuel Gompers president and dedicated the Federation to improving the life of America’s working men and women. The A.F.L. recognizes November 15, 1881, as its anniversary date to honor the origin and legacy of F.O.T.L.U.
Side B: On this site, January 25, 1890, delegates from the National Progressive Union and the Knights of Labor District Trades Assembly 135 met in convention at old City Hall and founded the United Mine Workers of America. The merger ended years of feuding and divisiveness among miners, and the UMWA began a campaign to bring better wages, safe working conditions, and the eight-hour day to the coal fields of America. The UMWA’s national headquarters was at High and Chestnut streets until 1898.
Sponsors: Central Ohio Labor Council, AFL-CIO and The Ohio Historical Society
Address: NE of the intersection of W Broad Street and Marconi Blvd, along the Scioto River, 
Location: In a small park area immediately W of the Federal building
Latitude: 39.9634990
Longitude: -83.0057500