Side A: The Indian Creek Regular Baptist Church was established in 1810 as an arm of the Little Cedar Creek Church of Brookville, Indiana. The congregation purchased three acres of land for a burial ground and church and built a log structure here in 1811. Members voted in 1812 that they would receive no person who believed in the principles of slavery. By 1829, membership had reached 150 and the present brick meeting house was built. In the 1840s, membership declined due to conflict over mission activity The congregation dissolved in 1879 and the land was deeded to the Indian Creek Cemetery Association in 1880. The county park system received the property in 1960 through and with the cooperation of the Butler County Historical Society and the Cemetery Association.
Side B: The Indian Creek Burial Ground was the first land purchased in Butler County to be used for a cemetery. The ground was never plotted and burial was free. Sontes marked the graves of those who never completed their westward jouneys, among them children and parents as well as some of the founders of the church. Other notable burials include Thomas Boone, cousin of Daniel Boone and soldiers from the Revolutionary War, the War of 1812 and the Civil War. In 1880, after the church dissolved, the Indian Creek Cemetery Association was formed to continue maintenance and grounds upkeep. MetroParks of Butler County and the Indian Creek Restoration Committee continue to preserve this sacred place as a way for all to connect with Ohio’s frontier past.
Sponsors: W.E. Smith Family Charitable Trust, Indian Creek Pioneer Church and Burial Ground Committee, The Ohio History Connection