Remarkable Ohio


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124-18 Euclid v. Ambler Realty Site

Side A: By 1922, the Ambler Realty Company of Cleveland owned this site along with 68 acres of land between Euclid Avenue and the Nickel Plate rail line. Upon learning of the company’s plans for industrial development, the Euclid Village Council enacted a zoning code based on New York City’ building restrictions. Represented by Newton D. Baker, former Cleveland mayor and U.S. Secretary of War under Woodrow Wilson, Ambler sued the village claiming a loss of property value. In 1926, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of Euclid and upheld the constitutionality of zoning and land-use regulations by local governments. The federal government eventually acquired the Ambler site during World War II to build a factory to make aircraft engines and landing gear. From 1948 to 1992, the site was used as a production facility by the Fisher Body Division of General Motors.
Side B: Same
Sponsors: City of Euclid and The Ohio History Connection
Address: 20001 Euclid Avenue, 
Location: Just NE of the Euclid Police Mini-Station
Latitude: 41.5633370
Longitude: -81.5418660