
Below is a complete listing of all Ohio Historical Markers. To find a detailed marker listing including text, photographs, and locations, click on a county below. Our listing is updated by the markers program as new markers are installed and older markers are reported damaged or missing.

1-10 The Fighting McCooks and the Civil War

Side A: Major Daniel McCook of Carrollton and his 9 sons and their cousins, the 5 sons of Dr. John McCook of Steubenville, won popular acclaim for their outstanding service in the United States Army and Navy. “Tribe of Dan” Maj. Daniel: mortally wounded at Buffington Island. Maj. Latimer: a surgeon. Brig. Gen. George: early regimental commander. Midshipman John: died at sea. Brig Gen. Robert: murdered by guerrillas. Maj. Gen. Alexander: commander of the 20th Corps. Brig. Gen. Daniel Jr. mortally wounded at Kenesaw Mt. Maj. Gen. Edwin: served under Grant and Sherman. Pvt. Charles: killed at Bull Run. Col. John: seriously wounded in Virginia.
Side B: Major Daniel McCook of Carrollton and his 9 sons, and their cousins, the 5 sons of Dr. John McCook of Steubenville, won popular acclaim for their outstanding service in the United States Army and Navy. “Tribe of John” Maj. Gen. Edward: captured Confederates behind the lines. Brig. Gen. Anson: served with distinction in 3 battles and 2 campaigns. Rev. Henry: a chaplain. Marine Lt. Roderick: accepted the surrender of a Confederate regiment. Lt. John: served when only 18 years old.
Sponsors: The Ohio Historical Society and the Ohio Civil War Cenntenial Commission
Address: 15 S Lisbon St, 
Location: To the right of the McCook House Museum, along 2nd Street SW
Latitude: 40.5721060
Longitude: -81.0871310