Remarkable Ohio


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4-58 Morgan’s Raid

Side A: In July 1863, Confederate General John H. Morgan led a force of 2,000 cavalrymen across southern Ohio. Morgan’s force entered Ohio from Indiana on July 13. A chase ensued as Union cavalry pursued Morgan’s men across twenty Ohio counties. Most of Morgan’s troops were captured in Meigs County at the Battle of Buffington Island. Morgan, with several hundred cavalry, managed to escape. They raced northeast, fighting skirmishes along the way, and forded the Muskingum at a point near Rokeby Lock on July 23, 1863. As they went, the soldiers raided local farms for food and replacement horses. They were finally captured in Columbiana County on July 26. The raid marked the northern-most point ever reached by Confederate forces. Across southern Ohio, frightened residents burned bridges over fordable streams and buried silver and jewelry to hide them from the marauders.
Side B: Same
Sponsors: Muskingum River Parkway and The Ohio Historical Society
Address: 8945 OH 60, 
Location: At pull-off for Muskingum Lock No. 8 (intersection of Greer Road and Route 60)
Latitude: 39.7340196
Longitude: -81.9080829