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21-87 Fort Meigs Union Cemetery

Side A: The village of Perrysburg was founded in 1816 and Wood County in 1820. In 1822 the town established a village cemetery and located it on the southwest corner of West Indiana at Cherry Streets. By 1848 it was full and a new one was created on West Boundary and Indiana Avenue. The first burial was that of William Cassady in 1849. The cholera epidemic of 1854 that caused over one hundred deaths, overloaded the small cemetery workforce. Potters Field was designed in 1868 on the NW corner of Block Two. In 1877 Perrysburg Township bought adjacent land in sections K and L and joined forces to create Fort Meigs Union Cemetery. There are nine underground vaults in the side of the terrace by the old Ewing Creek stream bed adjacent to the 1912 mausoleum.
Side B: An exposed section of old Ewing Creek bisects the older portion of the cemetery In Block M, running southerly from the streambed valley, British howitzer emplacement ruts from the two sieges against Fort Meigs in the War of 1812 are still visible and were donated to the Ohio Historical Society by the lot owners. Block One was designated as a Civil War Memorial to the hundreds of local men who died in that conflict. There are military men and women buried here who served in all ten conflicts where the United States was involved. A Cremation Garden is located on the far west side of the oldest part of the cemetery. South of the cemetery, across Indiana Avenue, is the newer portion expanded in 1979 and features a large pond fronted by the Police and Fire Memorial.
Sponsors: Erected by Historic Perrysburg, Inc. 2011 and The Ohio Historical Society
Address: 620 W Indiana Ave, 
Location: Fort Meigs Union Cemetery
Latitude: 41.5514534
Longitude: -83.6416138