Remarkable Ohio


Below is a complete listing of all Ohio Historical Markers. To find a detailed marker listing including text, photographs, and locations, click on a county below. Our listing is updated by the markers program as new markers are installed and older markers are reported damaged or missing.

The transposed #2-5 will be corrected to 5-2 when possible. Note: There is another #2-5 in Athens County, 'Albany.'

5-2 Faurot Oil Well

Side A: In 1885, 800 feet north of this marker, Benjamin Faurot struck oil after drilling into the Trenton Rock Limestone formation at a depth of 1,251 feet. This event marked the beginning of the great Oil Boom of northwest Ohio. The ensuing rush brought speculators who drilled hundreds of wells in the Trenton Rock (Lima) Oil Field that stretched from Mercer County north through Wood County in Ohio and west to Indiana. By 1886, the Lima field was the nation’s leading producer of oil, and by the following year it was considered to be the largest in the world. Production from the Ohio portion of the Lima-Indiana field reached its peak in 1896, when more than 20 million barrels were brought out of the ground. Though short-lived, the oil rush brought an influx of people, pipelines, refineries, and businesses, giving a powerful impetus to the growth of northwest Ohio.
Side B: Same
Sponsors: Allen County Historical Society, City of Lima, Ohio Historical Society
Address: Just E of 835 E. North Street, 
Location: Between 835 E. North Street and the Ottawa River Bridge
Latitude: 40.7427470
Longitude: -84.0930860