Remarkable Ohio


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26-79 Dover Public Library / Dover Public Library

Side A: The American Sheet and Tin Plate Company founded the first Dover Public Library for the benefit of its employees at the corner of Front Street and Factory Street in 1902. Five years later, the library moved to a residence on Cherry and Fifth Streets. In 1916 the city dismantled “the old Downey residence” and built a high school in its place, with the public library occupying the basement. In 1934, the library moved to a converted residence at 417 North Walnut Street. Over time, however, the building became inadequate to house this beloved institution. In 1953 the city of Dover passed a bond issue to build a new library for the community. The new building, located at this site, opened in 1955.
Side B: Same
Sponsors: Dover Exchange Club, Friends of Dover Public Library, Historic Canal Dover Association, The Ohio History Connection
Address: 525 North Walnut Street, 
Location: Dover Public Library
Latitude: 40.5242700
Longitude: -81.4811190