Remarkable Ohio


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6-12 Ridgewood in the Country Club District

Side A: The Ridgewood neighborhood, platted in 1914, was one of the first fully planned and restricted suburbs in the United States. Its innovative developer, Springfield native Harry S. Kissell, was among a small group of nationally-acclaimed real estate developers who, in the early twentieth century, created the modern suburb as we know it today. Their developments offered spacious lots in park-like settings; curvilinear, paved roads; utilities, and sewers. They also ushered in the practice of deed restrictions, which were both protective and exclusionary. Harry Kissell went on to become president of the National Association of Real Estate Boards in 1931. During his tenure, he conceived the idea for the Federal Home Loan Banking system, which, during the Great Depression, saved millioins of Americans from foreclosure and permanently opened up the possibility of home ownership to the middle class.
Side B: Same
Sponsors: The Turner Foundation, The Ridgewood Centennial Committee, Ohio History Connection
Address: Between 1717 and 1739 N Fountain Blvd, 
Location: SW corner of Ardmore Road & N Fountain Blvd
Latitude: 39.9462970
Longitude: -83.8084880