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28-47 Peter J. Miller House / Adam Miller & Family

Side A: The Peter J. Miller House was constructed around 1830 and is one of the last remaining pre-Civil War lakefront houses in Lorain County. The architecture is Greek Revival. Peter Miller married Ruth Houseworth in 1828. They had five children. In 1851 Peter Miller died and it’s believed that his family continued to reside on the property until 1925. The City of Avon Lake purchased the property in 1962. The house was opened for tours, and restoration proceeded, as funds were available. In 1975 the water heating system burst and caused extensive damage. In 1985 a new committee took over and was successful in restoring the house. Volunteer trustees have overseen the operation of the house as a museum since September 1989.
Side B: Peter J. Miller’s father, Adam Miller was one of the first non-Native permanent settlers in what is now the City of Avon Lake. Immigrants from New York, Adam and Anna Teamount Miller settled in Avon Township in 1819. The couple had 10 children. The oldest known child was Alexis Miller and the youngest was Peter. A story in the 1844 edition of William McGuffey’s Second Reader is believed to be about an incident from Peter’s life. The story relates how as he walked home through a swamp, a bear chased Peter up a tree and bit at the young man’s shoes as he tried to defend himself. After three attempts by the bear to reach Peter, they tumbled to the ground. Peter ran for his life and the bear gave up the chase.
Sponsors: Peter Miller House Museum Board of Trustees and The Ohio Historical Society
Address: 33740 Lake Rd, 
Avon Lake, 
Location: Peter J. Miller House
Latitude: 41.5021269
Longitude: -82.0598127