Remarkable Ohio


Below is a complete listing of all Ohio Historical Markers. To find a detailed marker listing including text, photographs, and locations, click on a county below. Our listing is updated by the markers program as new markers are installed and older markers are reported damaged or missing.

1-16 Bouquet’s Expedition

Side A: Lt. Col. Henry Bouquet with 1500 British regulars and American militia penetrated the Ohio wilderness to crush Chief Pontiac’s Indian conspiracy. Here at the forks of the Muskingum River during October and November, Bouquet subdued the Delawares, Senecas, and Shawnee without firing a shot, secured the freedom of every colonial captive, and obtained promises of peace–a feat unequaled in colonial American history.
Side B: Same
Sponsors: Coshocton County Historical Society and The Ohio Historical Society
Address: 23253 SR-83, 
Location: Just left of entrance to Lake Park, right off OH 83
Latitude: 40.2903300
Longitude: -81.8716900