Side A: Smith’s Burying Ground was established in 1814 when John Smith (born 1742), Revolutionary War Veteran, died and was buried here. John Smith and four of his sons and their families made the six week, six-hundred-mile journey from New Jersey with ox teams the previous year. John Clouse (1758-1822), Dutch immigrant and Revolutionary War veteran, is also buried here. (Continued on other side)
Side B: The D.A.R. biography reads: “When a boy he ran away from home and stole passage on a ship to America where he was sold for his passage. When the Revolution broke out, he was offered his freedom if he would serve in the army.” John Clouse moved his family from western Maryland to Fairfield County about 1805 and to Plain Township in 1814. Also buried here is Julia Landon, sister-in-law of Noble Landon who was a co-founder of New Albany in 1837. (Continued from other side)