Remarkable Ohio


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2-80 Amrine Settlement / Amrine Cemetery

Side A: The first permanent settlement in the Marysville area, was founded in 1817 by Revolutionary War veteran Abraham Amrine (1761-1849) and his sons. The Amrines emigrated from Switzerland to Pennsylvania in the early 1700s and, after living in Belmont County, Ohio for 16 years, Abraham purchased 1000 acres here along Mill Creek circa 1817, paying $2 an acre. When Paris Township was organized in 1821, the township officers were elected in Amrine’s home on Newton Pike (now Raymond Road). All seven of his sons, John, Andrew, Moses, Frederick, Jeremiah, Abraham, Jr., and Henry, settled here. Andrew was a Justice of the Peace and leader in the church. Near this site, Henry built a sawmill in 1822 and a gristmill in 1825, which were operated by the family for more than 50 years.
Side B: The Amrine Cemetery holds the remains of the Amrine family, as well as other pioneer families, including the Reed, Staley, Westlake, Wolford, and Wood families. Veterans of the Revolutionary War, the War of 1812, and the Civil War are also buried here. The Amrine Methodist Church, founded by the family, once stood adjacent to the cemetery and also served as a school. When closed, it was sold and moved to a nearby farm. The local militia held musters at Amrine’s mill in the mid-1800s. A covered bridge, circa 1885, built by Reuben L. Partridge (1823-1900) of Marysville once crossed the creek on Amrine Mill Road. It was destroyed by an accident in 1938, but the abutments remain.
Sponsors: Union County Historical Society and The Ohio Historical Society
Location: Old Amrine Cemetery, Mill Road just off Raymond Road (County Road 191)
Latitude: 40.2496500
Longitude: -83.3932000