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97-31 Cincinnati Stock Exchange

Side A: The Cincinnati Stock Exchange (CSE), founded in 1885, was headquartered in the Dixie Terminal Building at 49 East 4th Street. The CSE emerged as an innovator in stock trading when it started the nation’s first computerized stock exchange in 1976, allowing brokers to execute customer orders directly through their CSE National Securities Trading System data terminals. Computerization revolutionized stock exchanges domestically and then globally, as computers accepted, matched, and executed orders for stocks automatically, eliminating manual processing. The New York Stock Exchange acquired the CSE in 2017.
Side B: Blank
Sponsors: K.R.B. Niehoff Fund; Cincinnati Preservation Association; Ohio History Connection
Address: 49 East 4th Street, 
Location: In front of Dixie Terminal Building
Latitude: 39.0999791
Longitude: -84.5112301