
Below is a complete listing of all Ohio Historical Markers. To find a detailed marker listing including text, photographs, and locations, click on a county below. Our listing is updated by the markers program as new markers are installed and older markers are reported damaged or missing.

15-32 Riverside Park / Old Mill Stream

Side A: One of the earliest and largest amusement parks in Northwest Ohio dedicated in 1906 on site of old waterworks. Trains brought visitors from as far away as Cleveland. 1907: Dance Pavilion and 2,000 seat auditorium built. 1908: Bathing beach made in old reservoir. 1925: Green Mill Dance Hall built on side near dam. Big name bands highlight entertainment. 1936: Shelters, band shell, and pool bath house made from bricks of old waterworks. 1978: Renovation of waterfront begins new era.
Side B: Blanchard River Valley was home for Findlay native Tell Taylor who wrote ballad “Down by the Old Mill Stream” in 1908. Settlers established many saw and grist mills. 1881: Findlay Ice Company cuts 3,000 tons of river ice which is stored in two ice houses. 1888: Construction begins on Riverside dam, reservoir, and waterworks east of Findlay. 1905: Seven foot dam built near (Liberty Street) to elevate water level for boating. 1907: Seventy foot, 250-passenger steamer makes first trip from Main Street to Riverside Park. 1980: Old Mill Stream Parkway dedicated.
Sponsors: Historic Preservation Guild of Hancock County, Hancock Park District, and The Ohio Historical Society
Address: Park at McManness Avenue and Clinton Court, 
Location: NE corner of parking area S of pool
Latitude: 41.0425350
Longitude: -83.6319470