Results for: union
Inskeep Cratty Rd
North Lewisburg

, OH

The Spain Creek Covered Bridge was designed and constructed by Reuben Partridge in the 1870s. Partridge began his bridge building career in 1866. At a length of 64 feet, the bridge is the smallest of Union County’s historic covered bridges. Spain Creek flows under the bridge to its nearby confluence with Big Darby Creek. The Spain Creek Bridge is one of five remaining covered bridges designed and built by Partridge. Four of them are in Union County while one is in Franklin County. The windows and awnings are not original, having been added prior to the 1930s. The bridge was rehabilitated in 1988 by constructing a bridge inside the covered bridge. The large wood girders and wood floor panels carry today’s traffic load. The old wood trusses currently carry only their own weight as well as the weight of the roof and siding.

20190 Middleburg-Plain City Rd (SE part of Milford Ctr)
Milford Center

, OH

The following notice appeared in the Marysville Tribune newspaper, February 5, 1873: To Arms! To Arms! The Monument Association of Union Township propose holding a Fair and Festival in Milford Centre on Feb 20 and 21…the proceeds to be applied to the fund already raised to erect a Monument in memory of the fallen heroes of Union Tp. Said Monument to be unveiled on the 30th of May, 1873. It is desired that every citizen have an opportunity to contribute something in aid of such a worthy object. It is therefore hoped that every person, male and female, will send in their donations of such articles as they may have to lay upon the alter of our departed Heroes. Bring Wheat, Corn, fancy work, mitts, Hoods, articles for children, anything, to the value of a horse…. On May 30, 2003—130 years later—the Monument Association of Union Township rededicated the refurbished monument.

Treaty Line Rd & Hoover Moffitt Rd
West Mansfield

, OH

The Treaty of Greeneville created the Greeneville Treaty Line. It was the boundary between lands in the original possession of the Indians and those they ceded to the United States, which were south and east of the boundary. Major General “Mad” Anthony Wayne negotiated the treaty with the tribes his army defeated at the Battle of Fallen Timbers on August 20, 1794. Leaders of 12 tribes, including Wyandots, Delawares, Shawnees, Ottawas, and Miamis, signed the Treaty of Greeneville on August 3, 1795 with General Wayne, William Henry Harrison, and other representatives of the United States. Treaties that followed Greeneville up to the Treaty with the Miamis in 1818 extinguished the various tribes’ original claims and created Indian reservations on the lands northwest of the Greeneville Treaty Line, making it obsolete. (Continued on other side)

Axe Handle Rd
Union Township

, OH

Constructed in 1873, the Bigelow Bridge spans approximately 100 feet across Little Darby Creek. Reuben Partridge built the superstructure at a cost of $12.50 per linear foot ($1,500). Bercupile & Snell built the masonry foundation at a cost of $7.00 per perch (a perch is approximately 25 cubic feet). Partridge built bridges throughout Union County and the surrounding area from 1866 until his death in 1900. The covered bridge is named for Eliphas Bigelow, an early resident of Union County, who built the nearby Bigelow House on the south side of Post Road (SR 161) in 1846. Union County Engineer employees rehabilitated the bridge from 1989 to 1991 by installing a new support system. The Partridge trusses currently carry only the weight of the original bridge. The rehabilitation project received the 1992 Engineered Timber Bridge Award from the National Forest Products Association.

10531 Jerome Rd
Plain City

, OH

Company E of the 30th Ohio Volunteer Infantry was the only full infantry company formed in Jerome Township. Capt. Elijah Warner organized the unit in the village of Jerome and it was mustered into the Union Army at Camp Chase in Columbus on August 29, 1861. A total of 102 men from the township fought in the regiment throughout the war, while approximately 25% of the total population of the Jerome Township served. Company E performed outstanding service, participating in the Antietam, Vicksburg, and Atlanta Campaigns, Sherman’s March to the Sea and the March through the Carolinas, and the in the Grand Review in Washington, D.C. Of the 102 Jerome Township men in Company E, 32 perished during the war. The regiment was mustered out of service August 13, 1865.

Winget Rd
Milford Center

, OH

Culbertson Covered Bridge was built in 1872-1873 by Reuben L. Partridge at a cost of $1,375, using his “Partridge Block” truss design. This bridge was originally constructed across Treacle’s Creek on State Route 4, south of Milford Center. In 1921, the bridge was replaced, but the wooden superstructure was saved for reuse for a new bridge on Winget Road. The bridge was put into place in 1922 on abutments built by Reed & Snyder. In 1988, Union County employees rehabilitated the bridge by installing wood girders inside the wood trusses and suspended the floor from the girders. The Partridge trusses currently carry only the weight of the original bridge. The steel piers under the bridge are not original.

18375 Raymond Rd

, OH

Following the American surrender of Fort Detroit in August 1812, panic spread along the Ohio frontier in fear of possible Indian attacks. The boundary of the Indian territory lay approximately 14 miles to the north at the Greenville Treaty line. Ohio Governor Return Jonathan Meigs, Jr. called out the Ohio Militia to defend the frontier and to construct blockhouses to guard against Indian attacks. A local militia company of 70 men was raised in present Union and Madison Counties to protect the settlements along Big Darby Creek. David Watson served as captain with Frederick Lloyd as first lieutenant.

Bridge on Streng Road (County Rd 67)
Milford Center

, OH

The Bridgeport Iron Bridge, often called the Streng Road Iron Bridge, was built in 1914. It replaced a wooden covered bridge built in 1869 by Reuben L. Partridge (1823-1900) and Isaac J. Grummons (1828-1921), which was damaged by the flood of 1913. The 200′ steel superstructure uses a pin-connected Pratt Through truss design and was constructed by the Central Concrete & Construction Company, Canton, Ohio, at a cost of $8,987. The original substructure abutments were constructed by John A. Maugans (1861-1933) for $3,248, but have since been replaced. In 1992 and 1993, the bridge was renovated under the leadership of County Engineer Steve A. Stolte and Assistant Engineer Jeff Stauch.