“Ohio Originals: Highlighting Points of Pride and Unity.”
1. Title(s) of Marker
3. Location of Proposed Marker
Include a written description, a marked map showing proposed placement of marker, and a
photograph of the location. Be sure to note the relationship of the location of the marker to
the subject matter.
5. Type of Marker
NOTE: Word counts do NOT include the title of the marker or the sponsor lines at the
bottom. They DO include (continued on/from other side) if text is different each side.
Note: the organization indicated above will be listed on the bottom of the marker as its lead sponsor, unless you receive funding from the William Pomeroy Foundation or the Lucas Regional Marker Fund. If more than one organization is to be credited, please list the names and contact information. NO MORE than 4 sponsors lines will appear on any marker. The bottom sponsor line will always be OHIO HISTORY CONNECTION.
9. Statement of Significance
Follow each fact with a number in parentheses referring to the corresponding endnote below.
Precede each endnote with a number corresponding to the number in the Marker Text (Side B) section, e.g. "(1)", "(2)", etc.
Follow each fact with a number in parentheses referring to the corresponding endnote below.
Precede each endnote with a number corresponding to the number in the Marker Text (Side B) section, e.g. "(1)", "(2)", etc.
13. Tentative Dedication Date
14. Application Submitted By